What to Do When Work Injuries Strike

By Alex Elliott Dec12,2023
Work Injuries Strike

Workers injured on the job are eligible for workers compensation this includes workers on strike. Although some employers try to talk workers on strike into applying for sickness and accident (S&A) payments instead of workers comp they are still eligible.

Most workplace attacks are physical these can be by co-workers, supervisors or even customers. In case of work injuries, promptly contact La Clinica in blue island clinic for expert medical care. Ensure swift attention to injuries for a speedy recovery and professional guidance.

1. Seek Medical Attention

Many people are reluctant to report a work injury or illness they fear a loss of job security or that others will ridicule them over the incident. Some workers are even afraid to file a claim because they do not want to be the focus of an investigation, such as actress and singer Kristin Chenoweth who did not pursue her claim after being hit by lighting equipment during filming for The Good Wife in 2012.

Castro said it is important that injured workers make sure to have a detailed discussion with their treating physician about what restrictions the injury may place on hobbies or other activities they enjoy. He said it also helps to keep a journal and document medical visits, including round-trip mileage and receipts for out-of-pocket expenses.

Injuries that fall under the category of being a “striking against” event can include injuries caused by hitting your knee against a hard surface or being struck by machinery at work, as well as repetitive stress injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome. Attacks by co-workers, customers or third parties outside of the workplace can also be covered under workers’ compensation, but it depends on whether the attacker was a part of the employer’s business and what their duties were.

2. Report the Incident

It’s common for a worker to injure themselves but not report it, especially when the injury isn’t obvious. For instance, if a worker hurts their back lifting a box or twists their knee climbing off equipment it may seem minor and not worth mentioning to their employer. However, if the pain and stiffness persists for weeks or even months and starts to interfere with daily life it’s important to report it.

Most employers have protocols in place for reporting an injury. Following them ensures that the accident is documented and provides an official record. It’s also important to remember that oral notice to your boss or a coworker is not sufficient; you must give written notification.

This is to ensure that you have a clear record of the incident should a dispute arise later on. It’s also useful in preventing your boss from denying a workers’ comp claim.

3. Contact Your Employer

Generally speaking, it is important for workers to report their work-related injuries to their employer in a timely fashion. This is especially true where the injury is significant.

Most state laws require that employees notify their employer of their injury, preferably in writing. Oral notice is allowed in some states, but providing written documentation can help protect an employee if there is any question about whether they notified their employer within the statute of limitations.

Workers should also keep copies of any and all medical records, round-trip mileage to and from medical appointments, receipts for prescriptions and other out-of-pocket expenses related to the work-related injury or illness. In addition, if a worker is cleared to do a light duty job, they should get that in writing from their doctor.

It is not uncommon for employers to try to deprive injured workers of their benefits by delaying reporting their claim or keeping them off work. An experienced workers’ compensation attorney or the state bureau can help in this situation.

4. Contact Your Union

Although most workplace injuries are truly accidents you smashed your hand in heavy machinery, slipped on a wet floor and so on workplace violence is not uncommon. In fact, it is estimated that between 2 million and 3 million workers are exposed to some type of workplace violence each year.

Labor unions play a critical role in protecting employees’ rights and making working conditions better they provide workers with strength in numbers and can negotiate with employers to improve wages, benefits and working conditions.

In addition to helping injured workers with their return-to-work paths, unions can also play a critical role in workers’ compensation claims. They can help ensure that an employer is not withholding money from a worker or taking other actions that violate the law. This is especially important given ongoing attacks on workers’ comp throughout the country.

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